Leading with Vision: Parting the Clouds to Inspire Action

A view of mountains just becoming visible as fog and clouds lift.
A dirt trail leading into the fog. Some trees and shrubs just on either side of the trail are visible, but not further.

Studies show that repeating false information—even when we’re trying to refute it—can make people more likely to believe it.

Consistently communicating a clear, compelling vision will motivate people to get involved and support your cause, because they’ll want to help achieve that future.


2 responses to “Leading with Vision: Parting the Clouds to Inspire Action”

  1. […] we need to grow our movement by making it truly accessible to everyone. This can be achieved by leading with our vision and fostering inclusive, intergenerational spaces (link opens in new tab) that welcome and nurture […]

  2. […] and our struggle for social justice and liberation? I’ve written before about the importance of leading with our vision for a better future. A big part of that is refusing to get stuck on the obstacles in our way. Because if we shift our […]

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